Posted by: dick77f | March 21, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Well, probably not “Spring’ cleaning, but more like Summer cleaning. This was an activity undertaken by the neighborhood children, usually after all the other summer activities had grown old and tired. Eventually, our attention turned to the creek that ran along the edge of the yard in back of our house and made a little right hand jog to meander on down under the footbridge and out of sight behind the Trade School.
A bunch of us would go over to the creek, just sure it needed to be cleaned out. And sure enough, it always did. We spent days dragging out fallen branches, overturning rocks to see what was under them, and always keeping a sharp eye out for snakes.
We moved a lot of stuff around, and built dams that lasted a little while.
But, mostly, this project was the best way to stay cool on hot, lazy summer days.

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